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An Investigation Of Development Pathways For An Economically Viable Seafarm Cultivation At The Kosterfjord, Sweden. Jean-Baptiste Thomas. Spring-Summer 2012 (eng) Read more here...

Methane gas potential for algae and biosludge mixed with paper fiber. Ebba Lejeby, autumn 2013 , at Linnaeus University, Department of built environment and energy technology

Macro algae as a renewable resource. Viktor Öberg. Jan to June 2014 at KTH Polymer Chemistry

A comparative life cycle assessment of alginate vs. potato starch for use in the production of bioplastics. Sanna Setterwall. Spring-summer 2016 at KTH Industrial Ecology

Identification of suitable areas for offshore macroalgae cultivation. Filipe da Silva Ramos. Spring-summer 2016 at KTH Industrial Ecology

Biogas från makroalgen Saccharina latissima En undersökning av skillnader i metanpotential beroende på odlingsdjup och isättning- och skördeperiod. Isak Karlsson hösten 2016 Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för byggd miljö och energiteknik

Framtidens substrat? En tvåstegsprocess för rötning av alger och vass i pilotskala Lars-Ola Ohlsson, Sebastian Karlsson, våren 2017, Institutionen för byggd miljö och energiteknik

A brief history of algae: the evolution of uses in review. Rhianna Rees. Autumn 2018 at KTH SEED

Applying the SDG framework to emerging industries - case study of the European seaweed industry. Sally Bohlin. Spring-summer 2019 at KTH SEED

Available upon request from jbthomas@kth.se 






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Seafarm | Global Network for Sustainable Development
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