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Co-financing in SEAFARM (28% of total budget) will be provided by a very valuable set of regions, municipalities and companies. Sixty % of the co-financing is in the form of working hours and equipment which at this stage of the project comes in as very important pieces to the puzzle where the applying consortium needs extra competence.

Region Västra Götaland (VGR) will provide cash funding dedicated to e.g. the inventory of suitable sites for seaweed farming and the localization of a seaweed-based biorefineries in VG. Potential advantages/disadvantages of co-localizing farming and further processing, both in pilot and production scale phases, will also be investigated. The two region will also be a discussion partner and create valuable contacts and perform lobbying.

The Kalmar Region will contribute with experience from their project ”New substrate from the Sea” where the use of algae for biogas production and other applications were evaluated together with other marine substrates (e.g. reed and mussels). They will also disseminate the SEAFARM result to their network of municipalities and other stakeholders e.g. politician’s and regional companies by lobbying efforts.

Trelleborg municipality will contribute with experience from several local and regional projects using seaweeds as a substrate e.g. for biogas. From the project “Kretsloppet” and several EU projects e.g. Submariner and the Wetland, Algae and Biogas project (WAB) knowledge and help will be transferred to SEAFARM. They will also disseminate projects result to their network of municipalities in the Region of Skåne and to other stakeholders e.g. politician’s and regional companies. They will also help to organize partner meetings.

Paulig Group (PG) operates in 15 countries and is divided into World Foods & Flavouring (e.g. Santha Maria), Coffee and Industrial Flavouring (e.g. Nordfalks), the latter being partners in this project. They will have very valuable input in FA 3 by performing sensory evaluations of “pilot” food ingredients, contribute with insight into consumer attitudes towards seaweed ingredients, provide help with approval/labeling of new food ingredients as well as preservation/packaging. PG will organize a workshop on marine flavours.

IKEM - Innovation and Chemical Industries in Sweden is the trade organization of the manufacturers and suppliers of chemicals and plastic products in Sweden. P&K is a member of The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and provide a large network of chemical companies which will be very valuable in disseminations of project advancements, especially from FA3, and to connect researchers with specific producers when potential business development opportunities are emerging.

Russell Finex specializes in Sieving Machines and Filtration Equipment for use e.g. in the production of food and pharmaceuticals ad paint as well as within environmental applications. They have previous experience from dewatering seaweed meal and marine protein isolates. Russel Finex will contribute with know-how and pilot/large scale test equipment particularly for dewatering of outputs from the biorefineries (FA3).

Swedish Exergy belongs to the Exergy group and is a turnkey supplier of Steam Drying, Air Stream Drying, Bed Drying Systems as well as forced and Falling Film evaporation systems. They have extensive experience from drying various biomasses for food, feed, energy and material purposes. Swedish Exergy will construct a small scale drying unit and come in with know-how and test runs in FA2-4.

BioMil AB specializes in biogas and environment and have more than 30 years´ experience of investigations, planning, purchasing and development. They also work with environmental impact assessments and certification of biomanure. Biomil AB has a laboratory for gas analyses and digestion experiments. Biomil AB will contribute with know how concerning the biogas process and seaweed as substrate (FA4).

Submariner network secretary s.Pro: The Submariner project will evolve to be a flagship project in the EU innovation strategy for Blue Growth. They will help with contacts and dissemination of projects results with the EU commission (DG Mare) as well as the extensive Submariner network of e.g. stakeholders, universities, municipalities, industry and governmental agencies around the Baltic Sea and other parts of Europe.

KTH Innovation, Innovationskontor Väst (Chalmers), and Sektionen för innovation och affärsjuridik/ Innovationskontoret (UGOT) will offer support regarding agreements and strategies for handling and ownership of intellectual assets (e.g. results, developed methods, data sets, etc.) within the consortium. These organizations will also provide help and advice regarding verification, utilization and development of specific ideas and innovations throughout the project. At least one yearly workshop will be held for the entire consortium regarding the important issues above.

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Seafarm | Global Network for Sustainable Development
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