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Scientific papers

J. Veide Vilg, G. M. Nylund, T. Werner, L. Qvirist, J. J. Mayers, H. Pavia, I. Undeland, E. Albers. Seasonal and spatial variation in biochemical composition of Saccharina latissima during a potential harvesting season for Western Sweden. 2015 Bot. Mar.58:435-447. 

M. Sterner, U. Edlund, Multicomponent fractionation of Saccharina latissima brown algae using chelating salt solutions, J. Appl. Phycol201628(4), 2561-2574.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27471344

J.S. Pechsiri, J-B.E. Thomas, E. Risén, M. Sodre Ribeiro, M.E. Malmström, G.M. Nylund, A.Jansson, U.Welander, H.Pavia, F. Gröndahl, Energy performance and greenhouse gas emissions of kelp cultivation for biogas and fertilizer recovery in Sweden, Science of The Total Environment2016573, 347-355 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969716316746

J. Veide Vilg, I. Undeland, pH-driven solubilization and isoelectric precipitation of proteins from the brown seaweed Saccharina latissima - effects of osmotic shock, water volume and temperature, J. Appl. Phycol. 201729, 585-593 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28344391

M. Sterner, M. Sodre Ribeiro, F. Gröndahl, U. Edlund., Cyclical fractionation process for Saccharina latissima using aqueous chelator and ion exchange resin. J. Appl. Phycol20171-15https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10811-017-1176-5

R. van Oirschot, J-B.E. Thomas, F. Gröndahl, K.P.J. Fortuin, W. Brandenburg, J. Potting, Explorative environmental life cycle assessment of system design of seaweed cultivation and drying. Algal Research, 2017, 27, 43-54. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211926416302946  

J-B.E. Thomas, J. Nordström, E. Risén, M.E. Malmström, F. Gröndahl, The perceptions of aquaculture on the Swedish West Coast. Ambio. 2017https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13280-017-0945-3  

M. Sterner, U. Edlund. High-Performance Filaments from Fractionated Alginate by Polyvalent Crossing-Linking: A Theoretical and Practical Approach. Biomacromolecules. 2018https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.biomac.8b00619

Harrysson, H., Hayes, M., Eimer, F., Carlsson, N. G., Toth, G. B., & Undeland, I. Production of protein extracts from Swedish red, green, and brown seaweeds, Porphyra umbilicalis Kützing, Ulva lactuca Linnaeus, and Saccharina latissima (Linnaeus) JV Lamouroux using three different methods.Journal of Applied Phycology,30(6), 3565-3580. 2018.

J-B.E. Thomas, F. da Silva Ramos, F. Gröndahl. Identifying Suitable Sites for Macroalgae Cultivation on the Swedish West Coast. Coastal Management 47. 2019 https://doi.org/10.1080/08920753.2019.1540906

L. Hasselström, J-B.E. Thomas, J. Nordström, G. Cervin, G.M. Nylund, H. Pavia, F. Gröndahl. Socioeconomic prospects of a seaweed bioeconomy in Sweden. Scientific Reports 10. 2020 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-58389-6

J-B.E. Thomas, M. Sodre Ribeiro, J. Potting, G. Cervin, G.M. Nylund, J. Olsson, E. Albers, I. Undeland, H. Pavia, F. Gröndahl. A comparative environmental life cycle assessment of hatchery, cultivation and preservation of the kelp Saccharina latissima. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2020 https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsaa112

L-O. Ohlsson, S. Karlsson, K. Ropar-Gadd, E. Albers, U. Welanders. Evaluation of Laminaria digitata and Phragmites australis for biogas production and nutrient recycling. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2020https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2020.105670

Visch, W., Nylund, G.M., Pavia, H. Growth and biofouling in kelp aquaculture (Saccharina latissima): the effect of location and wave exposure. Journal of Applied Phycology. 2020. 32:3199–3209

Visch, W., Bergström, P., Nylund, G.M., Peterson, M., Pavia, H., Lindegarth, M. Spatial differences in growth rate and nutrient mitigation of two co-cultivated, extractive species: The blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and the kelp (Saccharina latissima). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 246. 2020. 107019

Visch, W., Kononets, M., Hall, P.O.J., Nylund, G.M., Pavia, H. Environmental impact of kelp (Saccharina latissima) aquaculture. Marine Pollution Bulletin 155. 2020. 110962

Visch, W.,  Rad-Mene’ndez, C., Nylund, G.M., Pavia, H., Ryan, M.J., Day, J. Underpinning the Development of Seaweed Biotechnology: Cryopreservation of Brown Algae (Saccharina latissima) Gametophytes. Biopreservation and Biobanking. Volume 17, Number 5, 2019.


J. Potting, J-B.E. Thomas, F. Gröndahl. Stakeholder participation in sustainability assessment of non-wicked problems: the case of a future seaweed industry in Sweden. Submitted to Ambio.

M. Sterner., F. Gröndahl. Extraction of laminarin from Saccharina latissima seaweed using cross-flow filtration. Submitted to Journal of Applied Phycology.

Albers, E., E. Malmhäll-Bah, J. Olsson, M. Sterner, J. J. Mayers, G. M. Nylund, K. Rupar-Gadd, M. Abdollahi, S. Cvijetinovic, U. Welander, U. Edlund, H. Pavia, I. Undeland, Influence of preservation methods on biochemical composition and downstream processing of cultivated Saccharina latissima biomass. Submitted to Algal Res. 

J. Potting, J-B.E. Thomas, F. Gröndahl. Stakeholder participation in sustainability assessment of non-wicked problems: the case of a future seaweed industry in Sweden. Submittedto Ambio.M. Sterner., F. Gröndahl.Extraction of laminarin from Saccharina latissimaseaweed using cross-flow filtration.Submittedto Journal of Applied Phycology.Albers, E., E. Malmhäll-Bah, J. Olsson, M. Sterner, J. J. Mayers, G. M. Nylund, K. Rupar-Gadd, M. Abdollahi, S. Cvijetinovic,U. Welander, U. Edlund, H. Pavia, I. Undeland, Influence ofpreservationmethods on biochemical composition and downstream processing of cultivatedSaccharina latissimabiomass.Submittedto Algal Res.J. Potting, J-B.E. Thomas, F. Gröndahl. Stakeholder participation in sustainability assessment of non-wicked problems: the case of a future seaweed industry in Sweden. Submittedto Ambio.M. Sterner., F. Gröndahl.Extraction of laminarin from Saccharina latissimaseaweed using cross-flow filtration.Submittedto Journal of Applied Phycology.Albers, E., E. Malmhäll-Bah, J. Olsson, M. Sterner, J. J. Mayers, G. M. Nylund, K. Rupar-Gadd, M. Abdollahi, S. Cvijetinovic,U. Welander, U. Edlund, H. Pavia, I. Undeland, Influence ofpreservationmethods on biochemical composition and downstream processing of cultivatedSaccharina latissimabiomass.Submittedto Algal Res.J. Potting, J-B.E. Thomas, F. Gröndahl. Stakeholder participation in sustainability assessment of non-wicked problems: the case of a future seaweed industry in Sweden. Submittedto Ambio.M. Sterner., F. Gröndahl.Extraction of laminarin from Saccharina latissimaseaweed using cross-flow filtration.Submittedto Journal of Applied Phycology.Albers, E., E. Malmhäll-Bah, J. Olsson, M. Sterner, J. J. Mayers, G. M. Nylund, K. Rupar-Gadd, M. Abdollahi, S. Cvijetinovic,U. Welander, U. Edlund, H. Pavia, I. Undeland, Influence ofpreservationmethods on biochemical composition and downstream processing of cultivatedSaccharina latissimabiomass.Submittedto Algal Res.J. Potting, J-B.E. Thomas, F. Gröndahl. Stakeholder participation in sustainability assessment of non-wicked problems: the case of a future seaweed industry in Sweden. Submittedto Ambio.M. Sterner., F. Gröndahl.Extraction of laminarin from Saccharina latissimaseaweed using cross-flow filtration.Submittedto Journal of Applied Phycology.Albers, E., E. Malmhäll-Bah, J. Olsson, M. Sterner, J. J. Mayers, G. M. Nylund, K. Rupar-Gadd, M. Abdollahi, S. Cvijetinovic,U. Welander, U. Edlund, H. Pavia, I. Undeland, Influence ofpreservationmethods on biochemical composition and downstream processing of cultivatedSaccharina latissimabiomass.Submittedto Algal Res.
Doctoral Theses

J-B.E. Thomas, Insights on the sustainability of a Swedish seaweed industry. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2018http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1215011&dswid=65

M. Sterner, Polymer extraction and utilisation of brown algal biomass. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2018.

W. Visch, Sustainable kelp aquaculture in Sweden. Gothenburg University, 2019https://gupea.ub.gu.se/bitstream/2077/62099/3/gupea_2077_62099_3.pdf

J. Olsson, Evaluating Swedish seaweeds for biorefinery. Chalmers University of Technology, 2020

Master Thesis projects

Tibaldero, G. 2015. Effect of solvent system and biomass pretreatment method on the yield and quality of fatty acids from Saccharina latissima for analytical and possible biorefinery scenarios. Supervisor: Undeland, I. University of Torino / Chalmers.

Da Silva Ramos, F.J.N. 2016. Identification of suitable areas for offshore macroalgae cultivation. Supervisor: Thomas, J-B.E. KTH Royal Institute of Technology. 

Arvanitis, K. 2016. Macroalgae in the biorefinery: a substance flow analysis and environmental assessment of an extraction process of the major components in Saccharina latissima. Supervisors: Gröndahl, F., Sodre-Ribeiro, M. KTH Royal Institute of Technology. 

Setterwall, S. 2016. A comparative life-cycle assessment of alginate vs. potato starch for use in the production of bioplastics. Supervisors: Sodre-Ribeiro, M. and Thomas, J-B.E. KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Axelsson, J. 2017. Protein isolation from brown seaweed Saccharina latissima as part of an integrated bio-refinery. Supervisor: Undeland, I. Chalmers. 

Rees, R. 2018. A brief history of algae: the evolution of uses in review. Supervisors: Gröndahl, F. and Thomas, J-B.E. KTH Royal Institute of Technology. 

Rasche, C. 2020. Exploring the sustainability potential of algae-based wood adhesive. Supervisor: Thomas, J-B.E. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.  

Sörbom, J. 2020. Utilizing beach-cast seaweed for biochar production in Gotland. Supervisor: Thomas, J-B.E. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.  

Conference presentations

Thomas, J-B.E. A strategy for assessing the sustainability of a future Swedish seaweed industry. Oral presentation at the 9thNordic Seaweed Conference on Seaweed and Sustainability. Grenaa, Denmark, October 2019.

Undeland, I. ”Extraction of protein from macroalgae”, European Circular Bioeconomy Days, Aarhus University, Foulum, Denmark, June 25-27th,2019 (invited talk)

U. Edlund, N. Wahlström, M. Sterner, “Bottom-up strategies for recovery and valorization of biomacromolecules”, Abstract of Papers, 258th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, Unites States, August 2019, POLY

U. Edlund, A. Svärd, M. Sterner, N. Wahlström, “Engineered polysaccharide materials from biorefining of terrestrial and marine biomass”, 256th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, Unites States, August 2018, CELL 

Visch W., P. Bergström, G.M. Nylund, H. Pavia, M. Lindegarth, Spatial growth patterns and nutrient mitigation capacity of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and kelp (Saccharina latissima) on the Swedish west coast. Oral presentation at the AQUA18 World Aquaculture Society Conference, Montpellier, France, August 2018.

A. Svärd, M. Sterner, U. Edlund, “Bioplastics and composites from plant heteropolysaccharides”, 255th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Unites States, March 2018, CELL

M. Abdollahi, I. Undeland, Effect of stabilization method and freeze/thaw treatment on quality of protein from Saccharina latissimi, Oral presentation, Lisbon, Portugal. WEFTA 2018

U. Edlund, A. Svärd, M. Sterner, N. Wahlström, “Engineered polysaccharide materials from biorefining of terrestrial and marine biomass”, Abstract of Papers, 256th ACS National Meeting, Boston, MA, Unites States, August 2018, POLY

Visch W., C. Rad-Menendez, G.M. Nylund, H. Pavia, M.J. Ryan, J. Day,  Underpinning the development of seaweed biotechnology: Cryopreservation of brown algae (Saccharina latissima) gametophytes. Oral Presentation at the International Seaweed Conference, Tjärnö, Sweden, June 2018.

Undeland, I. “Nya gröna och blå proteinkällor I framtidens hållbara tallriksmodell”, Livsmedelsforum 2018, Göteborg, Sweden, 11 oktober 2018 (invited talk)

M. Sodre Ribeiro, M. Sterner, U. Edlund, Gröndahl, F. Sustainable development of Saccharina latissima production and consumption in Sweden. 6th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2017. Miami.

U. Edlund, “Polymers from macroalgae: Biorefining and utilization”, Nordic Seaweed - from Research to Innovative Business Opportunities, September 2017, Faroe Islands. 

Undeland, I. “Aktuell algforskning-från blå åkrar till nya multifunktionella ingredienser”. The White Guide Merroir Trend Seminar, Göteborg, Sweden, 6 March 2017 (invited talk)

M. Abdollahi, I. Undeland, Protein isolation from brown seaweed, Saccharina latissima, as part of an integrated bio-refinery. Poster presentation, Dublin, Ireland. WEFTA 2017

Undeland, I. Alger-Framtidens mat”. Ingrid Undeland. Seminar held at the Board meeting of Livsmedel i Väst 2 June, 2017

J-B.E. Thomas, J. Nordström, E. Risén, M.E. Malmström, F. Gröndahl, Perceptions of kelp aquaculture and its social acceptability in Sweden. Oral presentation at the 22nd International Seaweed Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2016

Visch W., G.M. Nylund, H. Pavia, Shortening the generation time to improve selective breeding in Saccharina latissima. Oral presentation at the 22nd International Seaweed Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2016.

U. Edlund, “Materials: From fossil based to bio-based”, The Bridge - pushing humanity forward by linking science and business, June 2016, Lund, Sweden.

M. Sterner, U. Edlund, Full utilization of algal biomass by cyclic extraction, Abstracts of Papers, 251st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States, March 2016, CELL

M. Sterner, U. Edlund, “A benign multicomponent strategy for Saccharina Latissima fractionation”, 5th Nordic Seaweed Conference, October 2015, Grenå, Denmark. 

Visch W., G.M. Nylund, H. Pavia, Environmental impact of large scale seaweed cultivation (Saccharina latissima) at the Swedish west-coast. Poster presentation at the 5th Nordic Seaweed Conference, Grenaa, Denmark, October 2015.

Undeland I, “Effect of solvent system and biomass pretreatment method on the yield and quality of fatty acids fromSaccharina latissima”, Lecture given at the 1st Seaweed Symposium, Torshavn, Faroe Islands, May 5-7,2015.

F. Gröndahl, E. Albers, U. Edlund, G. Nylund, H. Pavia, I. Undeland, J. Veide Vilg, U. Welander, “ Seafarm”, Seaweed Symposium, May 2015, Faroe Islands.

Pechsiri, J.S., Thomas, J-B.E., Sodre Ribeiro, M., Risen, E., Malmström, M.E., Gröndahl, F. Biogas and bioethanol production from cultivated Saccharina latissima biomass in Sweden. 5th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts. 2015. San Diego. 

E. Albers, J. Veide Vilg, I. Undeland, Presenterat poster på Bioeconomy development in Sweden, April 3, Göteborg, Sweden, 2014.
Ladda ner poster(pdf 985 Kb)


Undeland, I ”Den nya blå maten -mer än bara laxfilé”. Gothenburg Science Festival, Nordstan, April 5th2019.

U. Edlund, Oral presentation ’Makroalger – Havets prylbod?!’ at the public lecture series hosted by Sven Lovén centrum för marin infrastruktur, Tjärnö, July 12,2018.

Undeland, I Alger-från blå åkrar till nya ingredienser i maten”, Seminar within Sven Lovén centre popular scince talk series, Tjärnö, Sweden, Aug 2018.

Undeland, I.”Alger-från miljötjänst till trendig smaksättare”, Seminar within Stiftelsen Ekocentrums popular science talk series, Gothenburg, Sweden, Oct 2018.

Undeland, I. Algburgare och räkprotein -smartare mat från havet i sikte. Havsutsikt nr 2, 2018.

Undeland, I. ”Algae-from green slime to future food”. Ingrid Undeland. Seminar held at the Gothenburg Science Festival, Bältespännarparken, 10 May 2017.

U. Edlund, “Materials: From fossil based to bio-based”, The Bridge - pushing humanity forward by linking science and business, June2016, Lund, Sweden.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVGt4vN14js

TV4 news: A reportage on algae-based bioplastics and technique we developed to make them. Broadcasted July 21, 2016http://www.tv4play.se/program/nyheterna?video_id=3448792

Oscarsson, M. (based on interview with I Undeland). Framtidens mat växer I havet. Allt om Mat, Nr 6,2016

Undeland, I. Presentation at Universeum ”Snacka om forskning-Alger-smakrik och hälsosam mat från havet”- Winter holiday program2016

Nicklasson, L. (based on interview with I Undeland). Helt rätt med Alger. Chalmers Magasin, nr 2, 2016. (se attachement)

Fjärde Uppgifter, Alger och tång framtidens energi, U. Welanders, October 2015http://fjardeuppgiften.se/2015/10/19/alger-och-tang-framtidens-energi/

“Effect of solvent system and biomass pretreatment method on the yield and quality of fatty acids from Saccharina latissima”, Lecture given at the 1stSeaweed Symposium, Torshavn, Faroe Islands, May 5-7, 2015.

U. Edlund, Lecture ‘Framställning av funktionella material från biomassa’ at IVA (Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences), March 5,2015.

“Effect of solvent system and biomass pretreatment method on the yield and quality of fatty acids from Saccharina latissima”. Poster Presented at the Lipid Forum Symposia, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 3-6, 2015.

Seafarm Future Workshop - Identifying hurdles and bottlenecks for the development of a future Swedish seaweed industry. Goteborg, April 2014. 

Jönsson, B (based on interview with I Undeland). Bioraffenaderi för makroalger. Kemivärlden Biotech med Kemisk Tidskrift, Nr 10, Oct 2014.

Local newspaper Smålandsposten Musslor och alger får nytt liv som biogas. June 29, 2013 (Based on the projects Biogas-New substrates from the sea and SEAFARM)

Sjögren, Anna K. (based on interview with e.g. I Undeland). Alger, tång, sjögräs… White paper, nr 2, 2013.

Seafarm Future Workshop - poster summary.pdf - Identifying hurdles and bottlenecks for the development of a future Swedish seaweed industry. Goteborg, April 2014. 


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