Seafarms nya doktorander är på plats!
Nu är Seafarms tre nya doktorander på plats. Två av dem arbetar i Fokusområde 5, det vill säga med hållbarhet och projektets livscykelanalys, och den tredje i Fokusområde 3 som handlar om vilka ämnen som kan utvinnas ur algerna och hur de sedan kan vidareförädlas.
Jean-Baptiste Thomas
’s doctoral research involves assessing the sustainability of the Seafarm project, which aims to explore the potential for a new algae-based bio resource industry on the West coast of Sweden. His research focus is in the use of industrial ecology tools to shed light on sustainability aspects of this future bio-based industry, especially of seaweed aquaculture, by means of environmental analysis and industrial ecology methods, such as Life Cycle Analysis. He is also looking at the scale-up potential of kelp aquaculture, public perceptions of aquaculture on the Swedish West Coast, and on the identification of other major hurdles to the development of the Seafarm vision using scenario-based methodologies.
His academic background is in Geography (Ba) from King’s College London and in Sustainable Technology (MSc) from KTH, Stockholm. The PhD is funded by Formas as a part of the Seafarm project; until 2017, he worked at the division of Industrial Ecology in the department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED) at KTH, Stockholm, however now he is a part of the division of Water and Environmental Engineering.
+46 765 765 793

Mauricio Sodré 's research concerns creative industries works, focusing on products and processes for technological developments and innovations such as bio-refineries in industrial clusters. Mauricio started as a PhD student at the Industrial Ecology division of KTH in January 2014 as part of the Seafarm project which seeks to develop a new seaweed bio-based economy in Sweden. This is an interdisciplinary research project which grows and uses algae for many different purposes in a closed loop system that aims to produce zero waste. A key aspect of this project is to assess the sustainability of the system. Everything is to be assessed, from the impact of algae farms on the environment to the benefits relative to the costs. Mauricio's focus is on the bio-refinery products and processes.
His background is in Chemistry (Ba) from Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, and Geoscience and Environmental Education (Lic) and in Analytical Chemistry (MSc), both from University of Sao Paulo. During his academic career, Mauricio was granted in 2006 with a national Petrobras Award of Scientific Innovation due to a novel quality control methods to assess biofuel quality in situ. Before starting his PhD at KTH, Mauricio worked 2 year editing academic books in a publish house (Positivo) and assisted a chemistry professor in public high-school for people with low income, both in Brazil. He also did a short research exchange cooperation (3 months) at the Department of Analitical Chemitry at the Moscow State University (Russia) where he worked on analytical development of methods employing electrophorese capillary technique.
+46 769370610
Martin Sterner arbetade fem år med utveckling av isolerolja på ett traditionellt oljeraffinaderi innan han kände att det var dags för något nytt. Att doktorera har han alltid funderat på och när doktorandtjänsten inom Seafarm utannonserades tyckte han det lät intressant, sökte tjänsten och fick den.
– Jag tycker det är spännande med en ny typ av biomassa. Att få börja från scratch och att få ett nytt levande system att fungera.
Martin Sterner har tidigare läst molekylär bioteknik vid Uppsala universitet. Hans doktorandprojekt som handleds av Ulrica Edlund på KTH handlar i första läget om att extrahera bioämnen med fokus på polysackarider ur algbiomassan.
– Jag ska först ta reda på vilka ämnen som finns, och sedan fokusera på vilka material de passar bäst till. Det skulle kunna bli plastlika material, jonselektiva filter eller biokompatibla produkter så som kirurgisk tråd, möjligheterna är oändliga.
+46 703022639
